Sandri Carrozzo, Linda Picco
Efiets economics e ocupazionāi des leēs di tutele de lenghe furlane
The Economic and Employment Effects of the Laws for the Conservation of the Friulian Language
CUF (2009).
This study seeks to understand the economic and employment effects of the laws for the conservation of the Friulian language, with a view that the funds directed at language policy may yield not only in material terms, but also on an economic and social level. This collective economic effort is seen not as a drain, but rather as an investment, and even an economic resource. Furthermore, it is understood that even the necessary material results can only be obtained with growth in the language professionals sector, and only in a secure employment environment. From this study legislators and administrators can extract valuable information on which to base their decisions.
Research conducted according to
Convention no. 092/1AG of 08.08.2006 with the Regjon Autonome Friūl V.J.
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Sandri Carrozzo
Gramatiche Fonetiche Furlane
A Friulian Phonetic Grammar
CFL2000 (2008).
A systematic description of the phonetic phenomena found in the complex of the Friulian linguistic system, designed to aid in the understanding of the phonetics of the regional varieties as well as of standard Friulian. More than 130 pages derived from the work carried out in recent years in the standardization of Friulian.
Stefania Garlatti Costa, Roberta Melchior
Lenghe. Cors di Furlan
CUF (2008).
"Lenghe. Cors di Furlan" is a new Friulian course for adult learners. The course is intended for learners of varying ability: those who understand Friulian but don't speak it, and those who speak it as a native language but aren't able to write in it.
The course deals with a variety of themes and situations, including the specialized languages of journalism, administration, and science.
The course includes:
a graduated series of 14 units,
a systematic presentation of the spelling system, with exercises,
a grammar section, with exercises,
a Friulian-Italian glossary.
The course includes materials for 60-80 hours of in-class study.
Carli Pup:
Memoriis platadis. Olmis di storie te narative popolār furlane
Hidden Memories: Traces of History in Friulian Popular Narrative
Il Tomāt, Buie (2007).
All peoples have their myths, legends, fables and stories, and Friulians are by no means an exception.
Most of this heritage has been passed on orally, from mouth to mouth from one generation to another.
Popular narratives are therefore the result of the interaction between innovation and conservation, in a world open to both taking in giving.
This oral material from the voice of the people can even become part of a national renewal, particularly among peoples without their own political and administrative structures.
Odissee di Omźr
translated by Sandri Carrozzo, Pier Luigi Visintin
Kappa Vu, Udin (2007).
This Friulian translation of Homer's Odyssey is the fruit of eight years of effort by Sandri Carrozzo and Pierluigi Visintin. Odissee is the first complete Friulian translation of a Classical epic since an eighteenth-century edition of the Aeneid. This is a complete scholarly translation, with the original text provided alongside the Friulian, in Friulian hexameters that preserve the rhythm of the original Greek.
Sandri Carrozzo:
Il sium, il viaē, la bataie. Il miluē de magne
The Dream, the Voyage, the Battle. The Apple of the Snake
istitūt Tellini, Manzan (2005).
Beliefs born in other ages, among peoples and cultures different from those of today, can survive for a very long time in popular tradition. The wisdom of centuries, contained in the stories of the people, usually remains hidden: the simple don't even suspect that what seems to them very insignificant today may once have been important, while scholars, who today thankfully would not dare disdain fables, are rarely able to unravel the confused knot tangled by time.
Anna Agostini, Elena Altran, Carlo Cecchini, Matteo Fogale:
Une introduzion ae probablilitāt intes scuelis elementārs
An Introduction to Probability in Elementary Schools
Forum, Udin (2004).
This book presents the findings of an experiment in the teaching of rudimentary probability in elementary school. The experiment was conducted in a bilingual setting, and thus would be of interest not only to elementary school teachers in general, but also to all those who work in bilingual settings.
Lirics grźcs
translated by Sandri Carrozzo
Kappa Vu, Udin (2002).
The most famous Archaic Greek lyrics are to be found in this volume of Friulian translations, including the works of Archilochus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon, Tyrtaeus, Mimnermus, Hipponax, and Alcman.
Il Diari di Bobby Sands
translated by Carli Pup
Kappa Vu, Udin (2002).
In 1981 ten republican militants imprisoned at Long Kesh (Northern Ireland) starved themselves to death in an effort to win recognition as political prisoners and to assert the right of the Irish to self-determination. This tragedy deeply scarred recent Irish history and shook the consciousness of people all over the world. Bobby Sands was the first to die, after a hunger strike of 66 days, and the diary that he wrote in the first days of the protest remains to this day one of the most important accounts in understanding those events.
Matteo Fogale, Emanuele Paolini:
Une introduzion ae analisi matematiche
An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
ILF, Codroip (2001).
This book concisely illustrates the primary results of an introductory course on mathematical analysis. The themes dealt with include: metric space and topology, sequences in metric space, continuity and limits of functions, derivatives, the study of real functions, the theory of integration, the theory of numerical series.
Licio De Clara:
Contribuzion par une bibliografie (1945-1997)
Forum, Udin (2001).
More than half a century of publications, 1460 titles, more than 400 authors: in this bibliography of the years 1945 to 1997 the Friulian language shows itself to be a language of the people, with an identity seeking new avenues of expression.
Linda Picco:
Ricercje su la condizion sociolenghistiche dal furlan
Studies on the Sociolinguistic Condition of Friulian
Forum, Udin (2001).
This sociolinguistic investigation seeks to asses the state of the Friulian language and to analyze the dynamics regarding its use and the opinions and judgments that Friulians have formed of their language.
Agnul Pittana, Gotart Mitri, Licio De Clara:
La nomencladure des matematichis
Mathematical Nomenclature
ILF, Codroip (1997).
The first proposed Friulian terminology to address such a specific topic, with all mathematical terms divided into categories with entry words given in Friulian, Italian, and English.
Dizionari ortografic Furlan. Plui di 38.000 lemis dal talian al furlan e dal furlan al talian. Grafie uficiāl e lenghe furlane di riferiment. Comprilu ca di noaltris!
Cors di grafie furlane. Une formulazion clare e sintetiche des regulis di grafie uficiāl de lenghe furlane, cun esercizis e soluzions e un cd par i detāts. Comprilu ca di noaltris!
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